The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Interviews
Legions of Faiths, Girded for Battle: New York Times interview feature story on the Norton Anthology of World Religions, from November 2, 2014. Don't miss the slideshow of some images from the anthology.
How Will the Mideast War End? Christian History May Provide a Clue: Jack Miles is interviewed by the Huffington Post, and writes an in-depth blog for The World Post, from November 10, 2014.
Free Library podcast interview with Jack Miles on the anthology, from November 18, 2014.
Jack Miles' return to religion: an interview with Salon from December 25, 2014.
Interview with Christianity Today's Books and Culture section, from May/June 2016.
Interview with Radio Hour, from the LA Review of Books, from June 2, 2016.
Read/listen to an early work-in-progress interview with Jack Miles, from February 6, 2011.