Jack Miles On Terrorism, War and Public Policy

Religion and Climate Change - The shooting script for Miles' three-part program on climate change.

The End of the Middle East Peace Process? - A Peace No One Wins. A different, shorter version of this article appeared in the August 6, 2005 Los Angeles Times.

How to Doom a Police Tax - Jury Duty. A shorter version of this article appeared on December 5, 2004 in The Los Angeles Times.

George W. Bush: Bad for the Jews - Israel after 2004. A shorter version of this article appeared in The Los Angeles Times on November 7, 2004.

My Top Ten Fears - Staring into the abyss. Published in Prospect magazine, October 2004, Issue 103, interviewed by Elena Lappin.

A Heavy Reckoning for the King - Who is responsible for wartime atrocities? Published under the title "Our King George Faces A Reckoning" in The L.A. Times on May 16, 2004.

Religion and American Foreign Policy - Is the war on terror only a war on Islamic terror? Published in Survival: The IISS Quarterly, volume 46, number 1, spring 2004, pp. 23-37.

What We Owe the Iraqi Dead - Counting the Bodies. Published in a slightly different version in The San Francisco Chronicle August 3, 2003.

How Many Iraqis Have We Killed? - A Question of Honor. Under the title "The Iraqi Dead: Respect Must Be Paid," a shorter version of the following appeared in Commonweal magazine in their July 18, 2003 issue, and was translated into Japanese, for the TUP-Bulletin site.

The Wisdom of Delay: Iraq and the Next 9/11 - In Iraq, Sooner Is Not Better. Against the invasion of Iraq. America should not go to war until it is ready for war to come to America. Written January 27, 2003.

9/11 Homily - given at St. Edmund's church on September 11, 2002.

An Interview with the Lord God - God interviewed by his biographer, Jack Miles. Written for a Brazilian newspaper in September of 2001.

Global Requiem : The Apocalyptic Moment in Science, Art, and Religion - Humans might become extinct sooner than anyone imagines. Think of the prospect as an opportunity for spiritual and artistic growth. From Cross Currents, Fall 2001.

On the Uses of Metaphor - A reflection on 9/11. From the symposium "Reflections on September 11," Authors Guild Bulletin, given in the Fall of 2001.

Mr. Hanabusa Has a Point - Response to Japan's consul general. On Iraq as a problem America caused. From The Boston Globe, March 1991.